The following is a limited guide on the safety considerations whilst using inflatable equipment. Further information can be found within the Terms of Hire.
When booking please ensure the time selected is the latest drop off time (ie party start time).
Due to our drivers being busy during peak season we are unable to provide a fixed time. On the date of your booking a SMS tracking link will be provided with an ETA.
Terms of Hire
Please read the following carefully. By placing an order you accept the terms set within.
Captain Bounce is a trading name of Inflatable Events LTD.
Hirer meaning the organization or individual that is making the booking and receiving goods for a listed period of time.
Hiree meaning the organization (Inflatable Events LTD TA Captain Bounce) renting the equipment.
Hire meaning object that is provided for a fixed period of time.
Responsible person meaning the individual(s) appointed by the Hirer to monitor and ensure the terms are adhered to.
Driver means the person enlisted by the Hiree to carry out the delivery and installation of the hired equipment.
Captain Bounce has agreed to hire equipment in accordance with the terms set within. By accepting the order and / or the receipt of goods you the Hirer aggress to the terms of hire. The Hirer remains responsible throughout the period of hire including for the actions of any appointed responsible person(s). The hirer must ensure that any appointed responsible person(s) are made aware of the terms and that they adhere to. These terms aim to provide clarification on responsibility whilst providing safety advice to help avoid injury and damage to both persons and equipment. We advise that the Hirer arranges their own event insurance as the Hiree can only provide cover against negligence as a result of the Hirees actions.
Bouncy Castle Safety
• All castles are assigned an age limit. This information can be obtained via the equipment’s description or alternatively this information can be provided by the driver. No one over the appointed age limit is to use the equipment as this may result in injury and damage.
• Food and Drink must not be brought on or consumed on the inflatable. Chewing gum is not prohibited as doing so could result in injury such as choking. Any castle that is collected in a dirty condition will be subject to a cleaning surcharge.
• Footwear including shoes, boots, trainers, sliders, and slippers are not to be worn on the inflatables.
• Face paint, party poppers, streamers and silly string or ink-based products are not to be used near or on the inflatables.
• Smoking, cooking equipment or flammables are not to be used on or near the bouncy castle.
• Climbing, hanging and sitting on the walls of the inflatable is dangerous and could result in serious injury.
• The responsible person must ensure that users do not do this under any circumstances.
• The responsible person must be a competent person over the age of 18. They must supervise the castle at all times. Alcohol or any other abused substance is forbidden whilst using or supervising the inflatable.
• The responsible person is responsible to ensure that the castle is not overcrowded and that the approved limits including persons and age are followed at all times. Small and Large children should avoid using the castle at the same time.
• The responsible person must prevent horseplay. Users are not to push, collide, fight or behave in a manner likely to cause injury or stress to others. Somersaults are forbidden as these can be dangerous and often result in injury both to the individual and to other users.
• If the bouncy castle is not being used or supervised the blower should be turned off and unplugged in such a way that restricts the equipment from being turned back on prior to the responsible person being able to supervise it.
• Bouncing on the front step is strictly prohibited. This step is designed to allow users to get on and off the inflatable safely.
• Bouncing is prohibited on castles such as the gladiator as this could result in injury and harm. Games castles are designed to allow for a soft landing. Excessive bouncing increases the risk of damage and can result in the castle being unsafe for its intended purpose.
• Users with pre-existing injuries or with a history of back and neck conditions are not to use the castles as sudden jolts risk making injuries worse. Users that are feeling unwell are additionally advised against using the inflatable.
• When the inflatable is deflated or when being inflated, users are not to stand on any parts of the castle.
• Pets and sharp instruments are not to be used or brought onto the inflatable.
• The responsible individual is to ensure users do not operate or bring sharp instruments and toys onto the inflatable.
• The blower for the castle must be placed away from the castle. The inflating tube should be positioned straight. Where generator blowers are used the responsible person must ensure that it is positioned as far away from the castle as possible and that the area around the blower is not accessible to children and other unauthorized users.
• The inflatable should not be used if it becomes wet. Where a rain cover is fitted the castle can be used in light rain however in heavy rain the blower should be turned off. The castle can be dried with a towel or cloth. Castles that are designed to be used with water should be closely monitored by the responsible individual.
• In the event that the blower stops working, all users are to get off the inflatable immediately. The blowers often can be restarted after a period of cooling. When the castle does not restart this is often due to a blown fuse. The fuse can be replaced with one of the same amps. Before turning the castle back on the responsible person must ensure that the inflation tube is strapped onto the blower securely and that the deflator tube is sealed. Where these measures do not restart the blower, the hirer must inform the hiree immediately.
Equipment Safety (including DJ & Catering equipment)
• All equipment is regularly tested for safety and compliance. Users are not to tamper with any equipment as this may result in damage and injury such as electric shock.
• Equipment must not be operated by individuals under the age of 18 years with the exception of self-serve items such as slushies.
• Users must not attempt to dismantle or move any of the equipment. Additionally, additional equipment must not be added to the setup without the driver’s approval.
• All equipment operates using mains electricity. Generators are not to be used without prior approval and users must not plug in additional equipment into the circuit as this may result in an overload.
• The responsible person is to ensure that the when hiring audio equipment speakers are not set at a volume that could cause damage to hearing and that lights are positioned safely to avoid damage to eyesight.
• Hiree must not tamper with any equipment as this may result in damage and injury such as electric shock.
• Hiree must check the contents of any consumable products to ensure they meet specific dietary requirements.
We understand that circumstances and conditions can change and as such the hirer agrees to allow cancellation of bookings provided, they meet set criteria. To cancel a booking formal notice must be provided within the time scales provided below:
Equipment is no longer wanted – Cancellation is accepted up to 7 days prior to the event. Cancellations after that will be subject to a fee equal to the deposit. On-the-day cancellations will be subject to a fee of £30 or the deposit with the highest fee being applicable. Consumable products are none refundable.
Hirer wishes to change the date of the booking – This can be done up to 4 days prior to the event at no charge. After 4 days a fee of £10 is applicable to cover the cost of rescheduling. On-the-day changes will result in a fee of £30.
Hirer wishes to change what they have hired – This can be done up to 2 days prior to the booking date. After 2 days a fee of £10 will be charged to cover the cost of administration.
Poor Weather – Where the weather is dangerous no cancellation fee applies, and the deposit can be returned or credited to your account. Should the Hirer cancel the booking due to poor weather a full refund will be provided.
To ensure all our equipment remains in a good condition the hirer is responsible to ensure that all hired equipment remains tidy and free from marks. To protect the material, only water and a soft cloth should be used when cleaning the castle. Chemical marks as a result of using unapproved cleaning supplies will be classed as nonaccidental damage and as such will incur a repair fee. Equipment must be free from dirt and ready for collection. Where a user has been sick or had an accident on the equipment this must be cleaned, and the driver must be informed upon collection. The driver will confirm where the accident took place and apply an approved disinfectant. Failure to clean the equipment will result in one of 2 charges as listed below. It is at the discretion of the Hiree as to what category the clean falls into.
Basic Clean £40 – This fee is applicable when a small area of the equipment is dirty. The dirty area must be able to be easily brushed and wiped.
Advanced Clean £80 – This fee is applicable when the equipment has severe dirt or if items such as soiled nappies, body fluids or heavy mud. Often this clean will consist of a deep clean including brushing, hosing, and disinfecting.
The hiree acknowledges that from time-to-time minor damage may occur due to wear and tear. All castles are regularly inspected, and any issues are flagged for review. Where damage is incurred due to improper usage a damage fee will be charged to repair the damage. For minor damage that can be easily fixed on the spot, a fee of £50 will be applied. For damage that can’t be repaired on the spot, a quote will be issued from an approved repair centre. This fee will be charged with the addition of an arrangement fee of £100 to cover the cost of arranging the repair, delivery, and collection of the equipment. Should the castle be unrepairable a charge equal to the cost of replacing the castle to a similar condition will be applicable. All fees must be paid within 7 days unless an extension has been granted.
The Hiree has the right to charge a deposit to secure the hire. When a deposit is charged this deposit is offset against the overall cost of the hire. Deposits are only refundable subject to the Hirees cancellation policy. The Hiree has the right to retain card details within their payment provider’s system. Where fees are not paid the Hirer has the right to attempt to charge the card on file to cover the fees. This can only be taken after 7 days’ notice of fees due.
Where a dispute is in the process no charge will be attempted until the dispute is closed. The hirer has the right to request that card details be deleted by contacting the payment provider that processed the original payment. Where fees remain unpaid the Hiree has the right to take action to recover the money due. An administration fee of £50 or 20% of the amount due plus any legal fees will be added to the due total. Payment for the hired equipment unless agreed otherwise must be paid upon collection or delivery of the hired good.
When a hired item is being delivered the hirer or a representative over the age of 18 must be available to check the equipment, receive operational instructions and sign to say it has been delivered and installed. Delays in accessing the venue for delivery or collection will incur a penalty fee of £5 per 15 minutes. The driver will allow a maximum of 15 minutes prior to charges being applied. Where delivery is refused the hiree has the right to charge as if the booking was cancelled. Refusal to access to collect the item will be interpreted as theft and as such police assistance may be requested.
Any person using any hired equipment do so at their own risk. The person or organization that hires the equipment will be responsible/liable for damage or injury that occurred as a result of misuse or reckless use. The Hirer is not liable for any injury caused due to the use of the equipment.
The safety information provided within is designed to be a base and it remains the hirer’s responsibility to ensure safe practices are used at all times when using any equipment.
The Hiree has the right to cancel the booking without prior notice and additionally reserves the right to refuse to deliver any equipment at the Hirer and/or driver’s discretion.
Although we aim to provide a high-quality service, we understand that occasionally we may fall short. Should you have a complaint about the service received or wish to dispute any fees charged you can do so by sending an email to We aim to provide a response to all complaints within 7 days however sometimes more time may be needed to conduct a thorough investigation. When this is the case, we aim to respond to all complaints with a formal response and the reasoning within 30 days. Should you not agree with the decision we will provide you with a case file to enable you to seek independent advice.
Data Handling
Inflatable Events (Hirer) will retain all customer information for a duration of 5 years. Information retained will include customer and venue details, details on past hires, notes, documents, evidence and other related correspondence. Inflatable Events will not share such information with any 3rd parties.
Occasionally Inflatable Events may send updates and promotional material. Such material can be opted out of by providing a written request to Inflatable Events.
I the hirer have read this agreement carefully and accept that in hiring the equipment I am bound to the conditions set within. I acknowledge that I must inform any changes to the Hiree at the earliest possible point. By placing this booking I consent to the terms set within.
This is one of our new products in 2022. This bouncy castle is ideal for all the children and is popular among the children and all their friends. Featuring plastics balls which can be thrown to have a blast with your children’s friends or simply cannonballed into, it’s guaranteed to provide maximum fun.
This Small Bouncy Castle is great for infants/children. Due to the size, we don’t recommend Adults take part. We find that it’s best for the Inflatable itself, along with the individual.
Castle Size (Excludes 2m to rear for blower): Width = 11 Foot Length = 11 Foot
Emergencies during hire are rare. This being said we operate an on call service for out of hours issues. Simply call our support team and select the option for out of hours support. Where no one is available please leave a message and one of our members of the team will return your call at the earliest possible chance.
© Copyright 2023, Inflatable Events LTD TA Captain Bounce.
Please enter your order ID
Our Offices are open Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm. We will aim to call you within working hours. Out of hours callbacks are available at request subject to oncall availability.